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額装家 諏訪 孝志
Framing is the last but not least handwork upon mounting art,
carefully selecting the material and colors best match a shade in each creation.
As working on creating frames everyday over and over,
we came to realize that the art does not mean only the object produced
with the intention but anything we treasure
in your daily life - such as our favorite handkerchief,
a photograph of memorable moments.
Often works of art in themselves,
the empty frames can be filled with your own thoughts and memories.
This frame exhibition is for you to feel our concepts above.
Picture Framer Takashi SUWA
諏訪 孝志 Takashi SUWA
1970 千葉県に生まれる
1991 日本デザイン専門学校卒業
1995 額装専門店サカキヤ勤務(東京/目白)
1999 額装家として独立 額装工房アトリエ・モン・ラトンとして活動
2014 マルカツアートスタジオに所属しAtmosphere(アトモスフィア 東京/西荻窪)を立ち上げる
2020 帰郷し、NOVANTIQUA(ノヴァンティカ 千葉市)として活動を始める
Born in Chiba, Japan in 1970.
Completed the study of graphic design, Suwa started showing affinity for framing work whilst
working at the design institution for it contained two interesting factors - handcrafts and design.
This led him pursue his career in frame making at an art frame store and after four years
he started his own art business to delve deeper into framing work.
設立 2022年1月14日
本店所在地 〒264-0017 千葉県千葉市若葉区加曽利町334番地21
代表者 諏訪 さをり
資本金 200万円
事業内容 額縁製造及び販売 額装全般 講習会企画・運営 雑貨製造販売 輸出入業
美術品買取・買取販売 印刷物及びWEBデザイン
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